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Widespread adoption of artificial intelligence in Irish businesses low – survey

Widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in Irish business remains low at just 6%, according to new research.

PwC’s GenerativeAI (GenAI) Irish Business Leaders’ survey shows that 67% of respondents confirmed that they are either at the testing or partial implementation stages of AI adoption, up from 47% in June 2024.

86% of Irish business leaders believe that the overall impact of AI on Ireland’s economy in five years time will be positive, and has steadily increased compared to prior periods of the research.

Over half of respondents are of the view that GenAI will have a significant or transformative impact on their business in the next five years.

Three-quarters of business leaders said they expect an increase or no net impact on jobs in Ireland as a result of GenAI, up from 55% in June 2024.

However, business leaders also highlighted that investment in upskilling is required to get real value from GenAI.

40% of respondents reported increased operational efficiencies from AI and GenAI activities, up from 26% in June 2024; and 30% reported increased productivity.

Only 13% said that AI and GenAI had enhanced customer experience and the majority of respondents, 74%, question whether GenAI will deliver increased revenue.

“As evidenced by the marked increase in the reported levels of AI related innovation, the survey highlights that Irish businesses continue to be very engaged in looking to understand the opportunities presented to their business through the adoption of AI,” said David Lee, Chief Technology Officer of PwC Ireland.

“However, the survey results show that business leaders are approaching this in a considered manner,” Mr Lee said.

“Businesses have worked hard to establish relationships of trust with their staff and customers and they want to ensure that these are sustained on their AI journey.”

The survey was conducted in late 2024 amongst nearly 50 C-suite Irish business leaders including CEOs, heads of finance, heads of technology and heads of risk.

Article Source – Widespread adoption of artificial intelligence in Irish businesses low – survey – RTE

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